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CD-ROM multimediale
"Pollino Flora and Fauna"

Realized in the circle of the Plan at the same time environment to the students of the IA class a.s. 1998/ 99 of the National Middle School "G. Troccoli" of Lauropoli.The CD-ROM has stayed presented to the authorities and to the printing June, 7, '99.Has participated the initiative European netd@ys '99 Regional didactic Conference, multimedia and internet

nd99.gif (6884 byte) Cosenza 13/11/99  A-CLICK.GIF (3472 byte)
House of the Cultures


CD-ROM multimedia
photographic book

Cassano Allo Ionio - historical center, realized in the circle of the Plan European Operational Program "94002511" you schoo school organizes the choice" techno- logical run and multimedia.

National Middle School "B. Lanza"
Cassano Allo Ionio (CS) - May 99

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Plain of the Formative Offer

CD-ROM multimedia realized in the circle of the new law on the scholastic autonomy.

National Middle School "G. Troccoli" 
Lauropoli (CS)

html version

A-CLICK.GIF (3472 byte)

Cassano to the Ionian -Cosenza - Calabria - Italy 
Solemn Procession of Friday Saint 
multimedia cd-rom 

The cd-rom contains news on Friday Saint, the run, explanatory chronological news on the tradition of Friday Saint, historical news on the Diocese, an imposing photographic service, the sounds of the trumpet, of the troccola of the drums and the religious song in vernacular " u jesu " could not finally miss a poetic note: "To prucissiuni history du Venneri Santo" the history of the procession of Friday Saint, in dialect language with literal translation, one of the most touching poetries of the poet cassanese, the senator Gino Bloise.

html version

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June 2001

Institute Comprehensive Lauropoli (CS) 
" Information and environmental education" 
multimedia cd-rom 

The cd-rom has been realized within the project environment financed by the Region Calabria - Assessorato Ambiente - proclamation B.V.R 24/12/99.Il cd-rom contains all the jobs produced by the pupils within the following thematic areas: 
River Crati, dumping, produce refusals, diversified harvest, why not to try us?, brochure of sensitization on the diversified harvest.

html versione

A-CLICK.GIF (3472 byte)

whoever was interested you/he/she can make application sending an e-mail of it to: