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Zaccato Gaetano

been born to Cassano To Ionian the 24/10/1955, resident street Gen. Diaz, 131. ordinary teacher of Sc. Mathematical, in service c/o the Medium School State " G. Troccoli " Lauropoli (CS)

It offers computer science advising to: Schools of every order and degree, Agencies, freelance, companies.


  • Graduated in Mathematics to address appliccation, busy since from 1985 in the problem list computer science; continually adjourned to the continuous evolution in the field of the new technologies of the computer science and the communication, what Internet; it is endowed with hardware always adjourned; it is mainly occupied software didactic, professional graphics, construction of ipertext, presentations multimediali, planning and realization of site personalized web, as well as it knows in way suitable languages of planning what: Qbasic, Pascal, Fortran and work with operational systems as DOS, Windows and Mac.

  • Winning of contest to desk (D.M. 3/9/82) of Sc. Mathematics for the middle schools and of Mathematics and Physics for the Superior

  • 1986 - chairman raced of formation for teachers c/o middle school National B. Lanza

  • 1992 - chairman and coordinator raced updating personal administrative c/o High school Scientific Cassano To The Ionian

  • 1996–chairman raced of formation personal teacher" computer science and school" c/o middle school National G. Troccoli Lauropoli (CS)

  • 1997–project parents–directive ministerial n° 600 of 23/09/1996–seminar multimediale

  • 1998–chairman n° 3 courses of formation computer PSTD 1997/2000 Project 1/A
    1) direction Didactic 3° Circle SIBARI (CS)
    2) direction Didactic 1° Circle Cassano To The Ionian (CS)
    3) middle school National B.Lanza Cassano To The Ionian (CS)

  • 1998 (17–24 October) chairman week net@days'98 I plan European RAIN–IRSAE Calabria –UNICAL–House of the Cultures Cosenza
    I work product and appreciated: ipermedia on the National Park of the Pollino foresees on the site Internet: 

  • 1999 - named expert outside of sector–subroutine 14, measure 1" the school gets organized choice" crossed technological and multimediale–Project financed by the U.E–middle school National B. Lanza Cassano To The Ionian

  • 1999 - named chairman raced of formation computer PSTD 1997/2000 c/os middle school National G. Troccoli - Lauropoli (CS)

  • 1999 - named chairman raced of formation computer PSTD 1997/2000 c/os National middle school "R. M. De Angelis" Terranova from Sibari (CS)

  • 1999 chairman week netdays 99 project European SEA–IRSAE Calabria –UNICAL–House of the Cultures Cosenza:

  • 1999 - September - named Function Objective - Area 2 - coordination for the use of the new technologies - middle school National G. Troccoli - Lauropoli

  • 2000 March - named chairman and coordinator of course of computer formation by the CTP ,Centro Territorial For the education of the adults, of Cassano Á. the Ionio 

  • 2000 - September - named Function Objective - Area 2 - coordination for the use of the new technologies Institute Comprehensive Sc Materna - Elementary and Middle " G.Troccoli " - Lauropoli

  • 2001 January - named experienced of sector and component group of project - project financed by the UE" prevention and recovery of the scholastic dispersion of pupils of the school of base in the areas to maximum risk of cultural and social exclusion" - measure 3, action 3.1 - crossed technological and multimediale.

  • 2001 - September - named Function Objective - Area 2 - coordination for the use of the new technologies - Institute Comprehensive Sc Materna - Elementary and Middle " G.Troccoli " - Lauropoli

  • 2001 - November - named chairman and coordinator raced of computer science of 1° level - "the computer and the didactic one in the school of the obligation" - Institute Comprehensive Sc.Materna, Elementary and Middle " G.Troccoli " - Lauropoli

Nb. The courses of updating held by the writer are developed always using himself/herself/itself of avant-garde computer technologies with: presentations multimediali, audiovisual, shiny computerized and prepared dispensations and compiled in every detail.


  • 1998 - October - realization site Internet " National Park of the Pollino": 
  • 1999 May-realization - cd-rom multimediale" photographic book–Cassano To The Ionian  historical  Center" within the Project European Operational Program 94002511–middle school National B. Lanza Cassano To The Ionian
  • 1999 June–realization - cd-rom multimedia SMS G. Troccoli - Lauropoli -" Pollino Flora and Fauna" realized within the special Project on the environment (deliberated from the college teachers 1/9/1998) with the class 1 sez. A
  • 1999 October - planning and construction site Internet for the middle school National " G.Troccoli " - Lauropoli (CS)
  • 1999 October - P.O.F. plain of the offer formative SMS G. Troccoli Lauropoli - cd-rom multimediale and situated internet: 
  • 1999 October - planning and construction site Internet for the Fratres - Group donors of Blood of Cassano To The Ionian: 
  • 1999 - October - unity didactic multimedialis :  il I bend pecchiaiolo, the kick, the theater
  • 1999 November - planning and construction site Internet for the CMT Cartolibreria of Vignale Ivan - Cassano To The Ionian
  • 2000 January - Construction situated internet for the middle school National " B.Lanza " - Cassano to the Ionian (CS):
  • 2000 April - Construction site internet for the Commune of Cassano To The Ionian: Elections Amministative 2000: /
  • 2000 May - realization site internet - raced of formation for teachers function objective near the school pole IPSIA Nicholas Green - Corigliano Calabro Port:
  • 2000 - site internet realized for the Cronfraternita of Mercy of Cassano To The Ionian -
  • 2000 - November - component group coordinament Committee Parents of the schools of the obligation of Cassano To The Ionian - realization and management site internt
  • 2001 - March - site internet commissioned by Firm Avicola Ostrich South - St. Pietro in Guarano (CS) -
  • 2001 - April - Solemn procession of Friday Saint to Cassano To The Ionian - special edition - cd-rom multimediale and site internet
  • 2001 - June - project "Information and Environmental Education" - Comprehensive Institute - Lauropoli - financings Region Calabria - component group of project - realization cd-rom multimediale - realization situated internet
  • 2001 - August - situated internet commissioned by OLF of Brasca Domenico - Saracen (CS) -
  • 2001 - October - site internet commissioned by Domus Sacra - firm of sacred articles of Cassano Á. the Ionian -  
  • 2001 - December - edition special European - Christmas between culture and traditions - Cassano Á. the Ionian
  • 2001 - situated internet for the Parish Saint Maria of Loreto of Cassano To The Ionian -